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My Story

It has been my lifelong dream to perform the Beethoven Concerto with orchestra.  But last year when the offer miraculously came, the timing could not have been worse: my life was in complete upheaval with a major life transition.

I knew it would take a year to prepare this concerto under the best of circumstances, and I had no idea where I would find the time or presence of mind to do it.  Every day felt like a failing battle against an onslaught of urgent matters--plus the impossible Beethoven Concerto looming over my head.  Two months before the March, 2019 performance date, I was on the verge of canceling when I woke to the realization that I was playing the music of an artist who, while writing this piece, struggled daily with adversities far greater than my own: deafness, isolation, and utter despair.
Beethoven's indomitable Spirit gave me the courage I needed to humbly pick up the violin every morning and practice despite it all.  Prioritizing music placed a lens of beauty over my chaotic world.  

With the help of community ambassadors, I have now performed the concerto over 50 times in 3 countries and 5 states to bring beauty to others who are facing adversity and have ben inspired by their stories of strength and courage, which I have recounted in my blog.   In a free public concert in Carnegie Music Hall on Beethoven's birthday, I offered this gift to him in honor of the indomitable spirit within us all.

Due to continued demand for the healing power of music, this effort will expand to include more musicians and different repertoire in 2020. 

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